Thursday, April 30, 2009

blog T3-57

GAHHHHHHHHH YES, SOON SOON SOON, technically it's tomorrow because THERE'S AN OUTDOOR TRACK MEET!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! O_O right I noe!!! I'm very scared!!! VERY because I'm always nervous when people are watching me do stuff and it doesn't matter what I do, ANYTHING is scary: speeches, outdoor track meet competitions, presentations, power point presentation, and MANY MORE!!!! T_T VERY T_T and O_O!!!!!!!!!

Maybe I should go outside because it's such a sunny day!! MAYBE!!! I mean I have my basketball!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

blog T3-56

I learned today that SWINE= PIG!!!! I would never had guess and why? well actually I would have guess eventually because in Chinese they call SWINE FLU, PIG FLU so SOON I would take the hint and see through what SWINE meant!!! and just now my mom asked me why isn't the SWINE FLU called PIG FLU and I was like BUT SWINE=PIG. I SOUNDED SO SMART!!!! I felt so proud!! SO VERY PROUD!!!

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

blog T3-55

MUAHAHAHA I think that I'm going to freak out again because I almost forgot that I had a english oral tomorrow!!!! BAD ME BAD!!!

Right now I'm making sure I know my god, Athena well because I HAVE A SPEECH ABOUT HER TOMORROW!!

Good thing about tomorrow is that at cadets we don't have to wear uniforms!!! SWEET, HURRAH!!! HURRAY, HIP HIP HURRAY!!

Monday, April 27, 2009

blog T3-54

Ah, so I have to blog now Nothing much to say EXCEPT PIANO! REALLY I know right but that's basically how my life is right now all my parents talk about is PIANO PIANO PIANO!! GAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!
Anyways I haven't been reading Liar Game because I CAN'T T_T_T_T_T_T_T_!!

Sunday, April 26, 2009

blog T3-53

GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRS!!!! There's going to be a english speech tomorrow and I don't even know if I'm supposed to go tomorrow or on Wednesday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! DUN DUN DUNS!!!! Anyways I'm doing that right now so AHHHHHHHHHH, I can't think of a coustume prop thingy!!!! FREAKING OUT! BUT I GOT TO GO NOW!!!

Saturday, April 25, 2009

blog T3-52

Yup so now my piano lessons are on Sunday because I'M AWESOME, no actually it's because I have a different piano teacher now because my old one didn't have time to teach me!

Anyways I have to go out for dinner today because my cousin came back from Alberta yesterday and so we're going to go eat with him so I need to finish my homework NOW or else!

Friday, April 24, 2009

blog t3-51

Ok, lets see today wasn't bad, I wanted to sleep in but that was impossible and yeah I'm reading comics!! YUP Lots of THEM!!

PIANO, too much of it, NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO, don't want to go anymore, NO MORE NO MORE!!! I just have like 2 more months until its the PIANO EXAM!!!

Got to go practice piano now T_T T_T T_T

Thursday, April 23, 2009

blog T3-50

WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO NO SCHOOL NO SCHOOL!!!! As a tradition on a no school day, aka Pro-d DAY I look out the window besides my computer and lets just say good bye spider hello flowers. Yes, the spider hanging on the tree of my neighbors house is gone, T_T. But flower puds are coming out of the tree!!! The puds look like caterpillars so, there kind of funny looking!!

I just went to the orthordontist and gues WHAT? Well techinicallly I already have an orthordontist, and I used to go to her for braces but now that i'm done with phase one, there's going to be a phase two because my teeth are weird, but my mom thinks it's a bit expensive and then we go to todays orthordontist and GUESS WHAT? it's even MORE EXPENSIVE then our old one!

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

blog T3-49

CADETS, just came back from it and guess what! PRO-D DAY TOMORROW!!! SWEETNESS!!! SWEETNESS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So, I'm probably going to sleep late and wake up late!! PERFECT COMBO of life!

Anyways I'm suppose to be watching a movie with my family but I needed to to my blog, SO BYE NOW!

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

blog T3-48

WOW it's almost Pro-d day!!! I'm so excited! As always, anyways I'm eating this bean thingy that my mom bought it's not that bad but it's kind of plain! OH WELL I ate like 2 packets already, YUM!


Monday, April 20, 2009

blog T3-47

Me legs ME LEGS!!!!! SORE VERY SORE, okay when I sit down it doesn't hurt and after a while of walking it doesn't hurt but if you get up from sitting and start walking my legs HURT!!

Anyways, I have little homework so it's okay, I wish MY could have a camping trip!! it would be so much fun!! I can just imagine us all camping!! it would be the BOMB!!!!!!!!!! I wish we could go I wish we could go!!! I WISH WE COULD GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sunday, April 19, 2009

blog T3-46

SUN RUN WAS AWESOME VERY AWESOME VERY VERY VERY AWESOME!!!! My bro is such a BUM today I don't even know why but he is!

Anyways I finished the sun run in 1:33... I'm VERY PROUD of my awesome running and walking and jogging skillz!!! I did pretty bad actually I think I could have done better it was just because at the 2 km of the 10 km we were suppose to run I already needed to go to the washroom so that took up a long time because SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO MANY people were waiting in line and the washroom only had 1 stall AND the washroom STANK!!!

My legs are SORE very SORE very very very very very very very very SsssssOoooooRrrrrrEeee. GREAT, and I have PE tomorrow!!! PE!!!

Saturday, April 18, 2009

blog T3-45

I had cake today because as I said yesterday it's MY BROTHER'S BIRTHDAY!! YAY for him! I played piano today so GOOD JOB ME! I'm doing the Sun Run tomorrow, I'm not sure how long it's going to take me to finish our run because I'm it's my first time running it. DUN DUN DUN!!!! I'm kind of excited because I just am! also the cake I had was MANGO CAKE!!

SADLY, very sadly i'm too full to eat another bite. T_T_T_T_T_T_T_T_T_T_T SADLY


Friday, April 17, 2009

blog T3-44

Tomorrow is going to be my bro's b-day!!! YAY!! Actually I forgot myslef until my mom told me today! It's not in me to give my bro a present, and it's not in him to too! So NO PRESENTS FOR HIM MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA usually our grandma gives us presents but she went to hong kong so HAHAHAHAHAH, i sound so evil!

I'm giving a BLOG OUT (shout out) TO MY BRO:


Thursday, April 16, 2009

blog T3-43

Piano TIME!!! DUN DUN DUN!!!

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Blog T3-42

AHHHHHH the book LIAR GAME is getting SO INTERESTING!!! <3 it!!!! It's so inspiring and it's REALLY SMART and really really really good. It just makes you feel like you can understand people and the world MORE!!! FUN, I made the story sound really dull but really it's really good!

I wish I could read all of it with the time given to me because it's to good to stop reading! but sadly I have to PLAY PIANO!!! so SO LONG

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

blog T3-41

Ughs!!!! MANY UGHS!!! I still didn't finish my essay rough draft for my English and it's DUE tomorrow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRrs and I have to practice piano!!! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO, not good, not good at all!!!

Me brain was hurting today!! LACK OF SLEEP PROBLEM!! Technically I'm falling asleep while typing and today is such a sunny day, IF it was raining it would make sense for me to be tired but LOOK AT THE WEATHER!! it's so good T_T actually it should be XD but my eyes are shutting soon, GOOD NIGHT!!

Monday, April 13, 2009

blog T3-40

I'm trying to photoshop pictures but UNFORTUNATELY I have to finish practicing my piano first!!! O_o!!! Like I said yesterday Piano is taking over my life (scary)!!!! VERY SCARY!!!!

Anyways I'm reading this manga (japanese comic) that is really really REALLY good, it's called LIAR GAME! It's about this game were you lie to win. But the main character a very dense, and HONEST girl who can't lie or trick anyone is chosen to participate in the game and if you lose the game you have a debt of 100 million dollars so she goes and finds this person who tricked a company and made them go bankrupt. And the learn about the game and go through all the rounds and it's SO INTERESTING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sunday, April 12, 2009

blog T3-39

GaHs thoart hurts *cough cough cough* I FEEL the flem!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WATER, NEED WATER!!!! AAAAAhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh............................ AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHh YES WATER that cooled it down!!!!

Anyways this is what my life looks like right now!!!!
Life v.s. PIANO
Notice that life is smaller than piano!!!! T_T right? I agree it's very sad!!! SOON, I WILL BE FREE SOON SOON SOON SOON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHs!!!! YEs I noticed too I have COLOR!!!!! YES i'm getting better with this blogging thing I know it looked really plain before but I'm improving hopefully.

I will get the chance to improve over the summer, the thing is I might be going on vacation (vacane=french for vacation)!!!!! YES, GOAL COME TRUE (at the beginning of the year I set this as one of my goals, to be able to convince my parents to let me go on vacation)!!!!!

Saturday, April 11, 2009

blog T3-38

NDS, Piano, Blog, bascially AN AWESOME DAY, but it's time i did my homework so BYE!!

Friday, April 10, 2009

blog T3-37

AHHHHHHHHHHH GAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH YES!!!!!!!!!!! Me woke up too early today!!! I still have french class after this too!!! GOOD thing there was no school!!! YESES!!! Me and my friends went to watch a movie today!! YAY? it wasn't really that good, I've watched better!! but I guess it's good if that's the ONLY movie I watched with my friends!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anyways my friend who goes to cadets with me might not be able to make it to the drill practice so i MIGHT have to go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SCARY!!! but drill is fun so that's okay!!!

Thursday, April 9, 2009

blog T3-36

My friend keeps on sighing, not the i'm so tired kind of sigh but the, i'm so bored sigh!! and that's the worse!! someone should make some kind of rule like a limit on home many you can sigh in a year or something and tell little kids so that the new world will be a less bored place because you are trying really hard not to sigh and forget about your boredom!!! HEY THAT's a GREAT IDEA!!!

Anyways life is so-so but that's only because i'm sleeping late so it's good!! and we are almost watching a movie in every class EXCEPT science!! ONE DAY, ONE DAY we will watch in science ONE DAY!!

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

blog T3-35

AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH my head!!!! Well technically speaking it's my lack of sleep but WHATEVER! I'm falling asleep while typing my blog, BAD! I really seriously need to get on my this sleeping schedule of mine or one day somethings going to happen and I'm going to miss it because I was taking a nap!! BOOOOOOOOOs!!! Time for my NAPPIES!!!

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

blog T3-34

Anyways I had a 2 hour nap today because yesterday I only got 6 hours of SLEEP!!!!! SO that equals to 2+6=8 8 hours of sleep all together!!!!!!!!! YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS (I'm happy, not because I'm proud I can do math, okay maybe I am proud but STILL)!!!!!!!!!


CADETS!!! DANG IT!!! that just ruined everything, and I have it tomorrow and i should be practising piano!!! BUT I'm GOING TO BED!!!! MUHAHAHAHA!!

Monday, April 6, 2009

blog T3-33

S.S test tomorrow!!!!!!! That's NOT GOOD, why? because i don't like to study, i have a piano exam in 2 MONTHS and!!!! i my piano skills aren't that good either and 2 months equal little time!!!

I might have to work over the summer!!!!!!!!! WEIRD?!?!?! YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GAHHHHHHHHH I DON'T WANT TO!!!!!!!!!

Today when I was walking home we met like A BUNCH of people because they bought ice-cream so we could were able to see them. It was fun because we were really loud and we talked alot and we laughed alot and we HAD LOTS OF FUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YUP and a couple of people found out were i lived!!!

things I have to do today:

science worksheet= not hard but need to look up things= take up long time

PRACTICE PIANO= dun dun dun= 2 MONTHS= LITTLE TIME= don't forget about schoolwork!!!! I already didn't practice piano because I had to do my french yesterday.

STUDY S.S.= AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH test tomorrow!!!!= I'm freaking out!!!!= AHHH again= NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO I don't like studying, I know if I did i would pass but I don't like to, i takes to much time=AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH= if i study to much I'm not going to be able to practice my homework if I don't start studying soon!!!! GAAHHHHH

Sunday, April 5, 2009

blog T3-32

Anyways life is the same nothing much happening!!!!

BUT guess what i saw this really meaningful MV!!! watch: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! it's like BAM I ALMOST CRIED WATCHING IT!!!

please watch and send it to all your friends because it's really good!!!

Saturday, April 4, 2009

blog T3-31

SUNNNNNNNNNNNNYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!!! VERY SUNNY!!!!!!!!!!!!! Anyways basketball is just around the corner!!! HOPEFULLY!!!!!!! My mom came by and was aske me "why do you always write so much of the something" EX. "!!!!!!!!, BOOO, NNNNNNNNNNYYYYY" stuff like that. And this is what i said, "because it expresses my feelings" >0< that sounded so cheesy but it's true, when i want something really important read i write in CAPITALs and I put lots of exclaimation marks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! <= just like now!!! MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH <=again with the long stuff... whatever I like it, it's my style of blogging.

Friday, April 3, 2009

blog T3-30

GUESS WHAT?!?!?!?!?! I took of the bandaids on my knee (they weren't the ones i had on the day of my ingjury!!! SO NO WORRRIES) and I saw this bruise on my knee!!!! YEAH I KNOW A BRUISE!!!! SO technically there was suppose to be an injury there but it didn't indent hard enough so it became a bruise.

GAAHHHHHHH today is such a nice day and I haven't been playing basketball lately because I'm becoming a BUM and that's not good AT ALL!!!!!!!!!!!!! I want to stay home today and CHILLAX but that won't be happening because I have FRENCH CLASS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GRRRRRRS TO FRENCH!!!

Thursday, April 2, 2009

blog T3-29

AAAAAHHHHHHHH my brother is going to Prince George for cadets!!!! GRRRRRs. I found out something that I like in CADETS?!?!?! surprising right well i like DRILL!!! It's so much fun marching around especially if we are all in time!! But sadly we can't do that all the time!! T_T!!! It's so sad right? I know that only thing I like and it's ruined by the OTHER THINGS OF CADET!!! GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRS!!!

Anyways considering I went to cadets' weekend I didn't do any of my PIANO PRACTICING!!!!!!

I took off my banaids today guess WHAT? I have a HUGE BRUISE!!!! It's GROSS

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

blog T3-28

DANG!!! Yesterday I fell down because while I was doing track and field in P.E.!!! This is how it went!!! So we were doing the "baton race" (the reason there are "" is because they were no batons there) and because the P.E. teacher didn't arrange lines for each of our teams we had to wait until the got close enough for us to see. So I see my team mate coming and so I walk to the lines she's in and then BAM!!! Someone RAMS into me and I fell on my left side. Basically this happened because I wasn't aware of my surrounding. So the person we ramed into me is NOT AT FAULT!!! Anyways after that I finished running 4 OTHER TIMES so that I could finish the WHOLE OVAL... I then looked at my INJURY AGAIN and blood was ozzing out and it was HUGE!!!! SO I got TWO banaids!!! YES TWO NOT ONE BUT TWO!!! Anyways life of falling hasn't ended yet, there was still the fact that I TODAY I slipped on SLIPPERY GRASS?!?!?!?!?!?! I know what you are thinking, "WOW, must take AWESOME LUCK to fall TWO TIMES!" it's true it does take AWESOME LUCK to trip and FALL two time, in consecutive DAYS!!!!! FALLING HURTS!!! anyways so my jeans got all muddy and so did my shoe!!!! NOW I NEED TO WASH THEM!!!! T_T!!!! SAD STUFF...

I finshed all my homework so that's why i'm writing TONS TODAY.