Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Day 1- Fri3nds

Well orginally this was going to be a YOUR BEST FRIEND BLOG, but i have no best friend, I have FRI3NDS!!

Inspired by GellyBeanie (she had a poem too so I just wanted to try, it's harder than you think.. she's a pro.. i'm not (:) :

I can't single not one of you guys out,
You guys have always been there to help me,
I will remember what it was about,
I hope we'll remember the good times, oui?
Let's stay in touch for as long as possible,
Our futures will be bright like our sun,
If paths we will take are impossible,
I'm sure will solve it with lots of fun.
So let us jump off with a lots o'fling,
So that when we fall we can use our wings.

It's lame i know but i finally got day one out and finished with. it might be a bit boring, or it might sound weird.. but i tired my best.. okay maybe towards the end i was kinda.. lets get this over with or my 30 days will never start.

I just want to say that poem sounds more like a graduation poem. FAIL. I tried my best to make it a sonnet.. or was it called a ballad. one of those:
a,b,a,b,c,d,c,d,ee or something like that i think there was suppose to be one more stanza. (fail)
right now science is occupying my brain. :(

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