Wednesday, June 30, 2010

New word


so i've been watching anime. I've watched it before but i'm rewatching it, because it's such a good anime! okay it's so sweet, and funny, lots of comic relief. one of those romantic comedy types and if you're wondering what type of anime it is it's called : Ouran High School Host Club.

This is like pretty old, it's also a manga!!! the manga is WAY longer though, way more deep. which is good because it's longer and you know how sometimes when you watch a good movie, or read a good book you just want it to keep going, like a sequel or you want the movie to keep going, you just have that feeling (this is a really long sentence).

it's really sad that OHSHC only has 1 season, cuz i would really love it if they had more!!!!!!!!! i'm sure all the ouran high school host club fans would agree, we all love seeing their world, and living it! because it's so different from ours and you can just end where kyoya's dad and suoh's dad are arguing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

see that's why the manga is better because the heroine actually ends up with someone!! i think the manga should more than one ending, just to satisfy all the FAN GIRLS/ and guys. So the heroine can end up with everyone!!!!!!!!! WOOT!!! that would be a dream come true for me!!! too.

I just love Ouran High School Host Club, this is like the first anime I've watched. That's why i'm watching it again but this time in dubs, I watched it in subs before! I this the opening theme song and the ending theme song is better in japanese, and so are the people's voices! but i think it's still good. There were a couple of parts that i've forgotten but i still remember most of what happened!

I LOVE ALL THE CHARACTERS in OHSHC, cuz they are all so stareble. s2

And what's with your title, you may ask? Well from watching the dub i learnt a new word:
according to


excessive indulgence in sensual pleasures; intemperance.
Archaic . seduction from duty, allegiance, or virtue.

^I remember this and searched it up because a little girl in the anime said it and the teenagers were shocked. and the little girl read shoujo manga!! lol

Don't grow mushroom in other people's closet.
~Haruhi, Ouran High School Host Club

In a manga i read this was also an awesome quote:

Save the salt in your tears for seasoning
~ Kyo, Black Bird

The person Kyo was saying it to was a little boy and he was so adorable!!! he was wearing a bear HAT, ME LOVE! i WANT A BEAR HAT TOO, OR ANY ANIMAL TYPED HAT!!!!! (opps cap locks, but i'm excited so it's okay)

The manga is called black bird it's a love story type thing with obstacles you need to over come like OHSHC, and also monsters (japanese monsters) , and some cool looking characters!

yay. manga, free time, sleeping in, and rewatching anime!

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Day 1- Fri3nds

Well orginally this was going to be a YOUR BEST FRIEND BLOG, but i have no best friend, I have FRI3NDS!!

Inspired by GellyBeanie (she had a poem too so I just wanted to try, it's harder than you think.. she's a pro.. i'm not (:) :

I can't single not one of you guys out,
You guys have always been there to help me,
I will remember what it was about,
I hope we'll remember the good times, oui?
Let's stay in touch for as long as possible,
Our futures will be bright like our sun,
If paths we will take are impossible,
I'm sure will solve it with lots of fun.
So let us jump off with a lots o'fling,
So that when we fall we can use our wings.

It's lame i know but i finally got day one out and finished with. it might be a bit boring, or it might sound weird.. but i tired my best.. okay maybe towards the end i was kinda.. lets get this over with or my 30 days will never start.

I just want to say that poem sounds more like a graduation poem. FAIL. I tried my best to make it a sonnet.. or was it called a ballad. one of those:
a,b,a,b,c,d,c,d,ee or something like that i think there was suppose to be one more stanza. (fail)
right now science is occupying my brain. :(

30-Day blogs (:

(Edited and taken from cloudy skies) Write a blog every day, keep it to yourself,or send it,or post it. Play it anonymous, give your name out, be sentimental, straight-forward, or harsh.

Day 1 — Your Best Friend

Day 2 — Your Crush

Day 3 — Your parents

Day 4 —Your sibling (or closest relative)

Day 5 — Your dreams

Day 6 — A stranger

Day 7 — Your Ex-boyfriend/girlfriend/love/crush

Day 8 — Your favorite internet friend

Day 9 — Someone you wish you could meet

Day 10 — Someone you don’t talk to as much as you’d like to

Day 11 — A Deceased person you wish you could talk to

Day 12 — The person you hate most/caused you a lot of pain

Day 13 — Someone you wish could forgive you

Day 14 — Someone you’ve drifted away from

Day 15 — The person you miss the most

Day 16 — Someone that’s not in your state/country

Day 17 — Someone from your childhood

Day 18 — The person that you wish you could be

Day 19 — Someone that pesters your mind—good or bad

Day 20 — The one that broke your heart the hardest

Day 21 — Someone you judged by their first impression

Day 22 — Someone you want to give a second chance to

Day 23 — The last person you kissed

Day 24 — The person that gave you your favorite memory

Day 25 — The person you know that is going through the worst of times

Day 26 — The last person you made a pinky promise to

Day 27 — The friendliest person you knew for only one day

Day 28 — Someone that changed your life

Day 29 — The person that you want tell everything to, but too afraid to

Day 30 — Your reflection in the mirror

Being Random

grapes wear bath suits to swim with dolphins

Reactions from that sentences ^:
*tonari ni anata ga ita ima mo kitto soba ni iru no (I have no clue what that says)

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Orange Bear-chan

wow today is my 601th blog!!!

anyways don't you think this is so sad? btw there are like english subs. so u'll understand, if you can read. i hope most of you can. and if you understand chinese even better! XD

can i hear a woot woot?

so how's life?

you know those really popular blogs? are there even popular blogs? questions questions

so question of the day: are there popular blogs or is it just my wishful thinking? and if there are how'd they become so popular?

^ i'm going to go find that out

^ i just noticed that i haven't blogged about a "question of the day" in a long time.

Monday, June 14, 2010

Don't know what to call this anymore

pooooooooooooooooooo i'm sick and exams are here!!!!! y-y...

yea notice my title... these aren't called blog T1 or T2 or T3's anymore cuz they're not school term blogs. you know how scary and sad that is? i have no title for my blogs. but i'll still continue blogging, maybe just not every single day like i used to because that was my homework. and maybe now i can talk about whatever I want.. well i used to talk about w/e i want anyways. no difference.

so sad what is this, we still haven't taken our time capsule picture... oh that means i can bring my camera to school so I can have a picture of everyone.

MATH exam was just today, the last one left is ENGLISH!!

i'm glad that science and s.s. exams are over.
but the science exam, we didn't even learn half of the things on the test. and i'm not even kidding, because i didn't noe it. I asked my classmates and they said that they didn't know it either.

Eg. The mother's blood type is A and the mother's brother is O and the son's blood type is B, what is the husband's genotype. WHAT IS THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WHAT IS THIS!!! we didn't even learn it. *sad face*

Friday, June 11, 2010

SB Blog T3-104

WOW, this is going to be last school blog I make so i want to make it special XP
Some of these pictures may relate to you! Think which ever one suits you... whatever floats your boat okay?

hugs ppl!!

yea i totally do

<= yea that's totally me :]
<= this .gif doesn't work either oh well
hahaha math!! good times
sometimes in class nothing seems to get into my head
yes i dare you, poke him.

i'm going to miss our SY 9 11:11 o'clock wishes

yea we're a little crazy.... so?

just because we're leaving as a group doesn't mean the end of the world
sometime's we're going to feel like that and remember you have friends.
when we procrastinate this is exactly what happens.
a remind of the time capsule (july 1st 2020)
this guy is suppose to die on the keyboard (a .gif) what happens when we procrastinate or when i procrastinate
i'll really miss you guys!!! T_T!!!!!!!!!!!!! =3=

This is such a awkward time it's not graduation or anything, it just i'll never have the same classes with you guys ever again. and because we have 30 ppl in our class i'll make 30 reason's why i'll miss you guys:

  1. noisiness the teachers label us( 'the noisy class')
  2. the laughter we make
  3. the pride we have when called the SPECIAL CLASS
  4. the hugs we give even when people don't want them (namely me)
  5. the evil comments (i) make at certain invisible hair people
  6. mark grabbers aka. MY 8's or SY9's
  7. the teachers and their stories of previous years
  8. when we learn something new (and the teacher tells us not many people our age would understand) and we take pride in that too
  9. how we know everyone in the class
  10. how we care for everyone
  11. how interrupt- ive we are of each other
  12. how we'll all really miss each other (at least a little)
  13. the intimate debates we've had
  14. the creative work we've done (or you've done)
  15. our persuasive skills in changing due dates (usually doesn't happen)
  16. when we help each other with work
  17. when we whine about how late we went to bed
  18. or brag about how early
  19. when we say "ohhh" to something together
  20. when we laugh together at a funny moment in class
  21. when we all cram at lunch
  22. when we talk on the group chats
  23. when we make fun of rumored couples
  24. when we plan together
  25. when we complain together
  26. when we procrastinate together
  27. when we stay up together due to ^
  28. when we make fun of each other
  29. when we get sick (most of us get sick)
  30. just cuz I LOVE YOU GUYS CUZ UR SO AWESOME i'll miss you guys ALOT!

<3 (from iLiveForSleep) FOREVER

Thursday, June 10, 2010

blog T3-103

well tmrw's the last day of MY... sad... very sad

and i'm starting to get sick. sore throat T_T !!!!!!

i still have science stuff to do.

cough cough cough cough cough !!!!! Y_Y and my exam are coming up soon sore throat= hard to study!! WHAT THE * i noe right?

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

SB Blog T3-102

I went to donate the toques today!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WOOT WOOT!!!

some of the people weren't very nice. But this grandma we gave our toques to was really nice!!!! She was the reason why we got happy because she was so grateful and happy. and we got to practice our chinese talking to her.

<= the grateful lady (iLiveForSleep on the right) <= lady that i help put her hat on for her. looking good. my friends and me and IG5 (the guy holding the hat)

the other 2 vids i try to photoshop it so our names would be on there (codenames) BUT NOOOOO for some reason since my brother downloaded this thingy i cant seem to use photoshop properly.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

blog T3-101


on july the 1st 2020.

us the MY 8s- SY 9s are going back to school to open our time capsule.

I have no idea what to put in the box. I almost just wrote the same thing i just wrote.

Any ideas?

My criteria/ or object that i want to give away.
  • something that will be memorable
  • i don't want a paper type thing or written thing
  • i want something that signifies me (live4sleep?)
  • something not bigger than 17 inches
  • what else... um yea... and not a stuffy
POOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO i have no clue what to say. and i don't want just something i want SOMETHING!

Monday, June 7, 2010

blog T3-100

recently i got a ..... dang i forgot what i was going to say because i went to get a mango

short term memory lost. ):


i noe right..

Sunday, June 6, 2010

blog T3-99

they should really make um... those emoicons on blogger. that would be cool then my blog would so much more colorful, or multicouleur.

anyways i've been watching utube lately ALOT

following people/ disney show i watched
  1. nigahiga
  2. kevjumba
  3. sonny with a chance
  4. davedays
  5. jumbafunds
  6. good luck charlie
  7. wizard of waverly place

Saturday, June 5, 2010

blog T3-98

i think i got some mouth pimples... sleeping too late= mouth pimples= braces scratch them


anyways moving on from the disgusting...

kevjumba this guy on youtube makes charity vlogs, and stuff on his other channel jumbafunds..
so depending on the amount of viewers he gets youtube pays him for having commercials on his side and he gets money and he gives the money to different charities.. you know what?
SYNERGY 8+9's should do that on youtube.. then we could donate to charities as a class.. or whatever just a suggestion.

Friday, June 4, 2010

blog T3-97

NEW TEMPLATE designs for blogger... woot.. hope you like it! i kinda do i like my old one too... i might just go get it back just cuz

it's got a really bright feel to it... a very big contrast from my old one!

which one nice and calm.. this one is nice and bright.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

blog T3-95

i think my braces are starting to scratch the inside of my mouth!!! the pain

the hooks have hooked onto my the inside of my mouth it really hurts. and it starts to bleed not fun.

it's been happening just recently... i wonder... i don't wanna put the wax stuff in my mouth when i go to bed because i don't wanna swallow the wax. T_T

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

blog T3-94

ah well my dad got a roger's magazine i read a little of it and they only produce 6 time per year. i think that's because new phones don't come out that fast so little production in magazines.

i need to go do some science now so tata