Monday, August 16, 2010

Anime Gum?

this made me want to eat the gum... if i eat it does that mean i'll be able to see anime characters?!?!? LUCKY!!! lol

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Song Requests for Provincials

Yea............................... provincials tomorrow!!!!!!!!! first time ever. and i'm so distracted because i don't noe what to study and what not to study for. AGH. I'm so scared. I think I'll no most of it, but i seriously want to get 100% (who doesn't right?) AGH i'm so screwed!!!!!!!

so i was looking and saving pics of all these cool looking t-shirt designs that i wouldn't mind having. but of course because i'm TOTALLY, not distracted i won't be putting it up (mainly cuz i'm lazy)

so..... as for some happy (for a sad stressful day tmrw) music of the day:

Smile By: McFly.

Hey wouldn't it be cute if someone made requests thru blog for music for ppl like the radio! haha it's even better cuz if the person doesn't catch the music or channel at that time and miss it. They can still read it.

haha that's so cool i thought of an awesome idea (another first time every thing XP)
so what should i say,
"I take requests. Just comment below."
^lol. i'm serious do it. but ppl will be like, that's stupid.

Friday, August 6, 2010

Day 7 — Your 3x-boyfriend/girlfriend/love/crush

NONE... okay maybe like crushes (never dated) (love is a bit intense) but you're not getting anything out of me.

Lying, Bare Foot on Airplanes

Watching the news, I noticed there's a lot of interesting news. I'm serious. Life gets so interesting.

#1 There are new running shoes that have soft bottoms so it's like you're basically running bare foot. This is suppose to be healthy and makes you have less injuries! WOOT~ Apparently running from heel to toe, is unhealthy (or less) because you get easily injured cause your knee locks. So you should get used to running toe to heel. I think I'd like to try these shoes... but I wonder, won't you hurt your foot if you step on something sharp or hard? GLASS!!

#2 People these days, getting me mad. I know I'm not suppose to judge people, if I don't know the full reason for why they did something.

So this girl (Ashley Kirilow) pretends to have cancer (why would she pretend to have it, when some people are unfortunate to have it?). One thing I admired alot about (not) is she was actually cold-hearted enough to go through with her plan, and run away with the money, even her parents don't trust her (??!?). She created a facebook group to ask people to donate money for cancer reasearch. She showed pictures of her doing surgery (fake). She even went and shaved her head and eyebrows (you know, how many people in this world that have cancer wish they had nice hair like you?!? and you just up and shave it off and pretend to suffer? (I feel like crying I'm so pissed off right now.)) These kindhearted people where nice enough to donate. This person even did a concert to raise money for her. She also created a website so more people would be donate!!! UGHIES. She sure did a lot of things.

Click to read more:

A very catchy song, with deep meaning, I usually don't like rap but if it's meaningful or isn't full on swearing or I can't hear what they're saying then I'm okay with it.

Monday, August 2, 2010

Day 5 — Your dreams

My dreams.. I wish i could fly, probably like many other people. Is that considered a dream? I dream one day i can fly. ah ha!

anyways I dream i can be a successful person.. probably in my job as well.. but i don't even noe what i'm going to do yet.

Unless this blog is suppose to be a blog for like dream dreams like when you sleep and you dream types. well.. I've been yelled at in my dreams (sad) and then i started crying (weird) and i woke up crying (very weird)

I dream that one day i can sleep as much as I want (probably when i retire, but still)
I dream that I can finish my homework finally! (probably when i retire, IF I find a job to retire from)
I dream that one day some people in the word will remember me for something did I did for them (even if it's after i die< makes it even better)