Friday, April 30, 2010

blog T3-57

FAIL!!!!! today... major fail!!! got woken up early today AS WELL because my brother has cadets!! UGH.

anyways fail in piano today.. compared to last class today was a BLEH!!! a major bleh.! mainly because i didn't practice a lot this week. meaning this week i'm going to have to go full on..
i've been banned from reading manga for now. unless i finish my homework.

so now my mom's pissed. and keeps nagging me about piano! i can't blame anyone but myself for this.

Thursday, April 29, 2010

blog T3-56

wow i thin i' getting sicker!!!! AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHh

moving on.. um i'm actually doing my science diagram which is due on monday... and today is saturday so !!! WOOT not procrastinating that much! XP

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

blog T3-55

sniffy nose

i took a nap today and i'm still missing a really clicky keyboard at my friend's house.. either that or i want a laptop.

my friend looks good in a blonde wig btw. and i really need to go practice piano today!! like really!!! need to. really really really really really really really really really.

i've found out that different tissue papers, from different people's houses all have different smells. you know why? i don't know. and no i don't randomly go smell people's tissue papers. it's because i either have allergies or am sick. T_T so T_T. but My tissue papers at home, still smell better than me !!!!!

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

blog T3-54

agh life! math test today!
nose plug so sad *sniff*sniff*

^ watching so many funny things today.

i should write a longer blog. i miss typing and hearing the clicky sounds of my keyboard. but i think i've fallen in love with my friends keyboards it so clicky like a clear clicky not like the one ihave right now it's not a really good clicky sound it's starting to go bland and blunt! and besides her's is black. and it looks like a laptop computer keyboards, but even better if laptop computers were like this one

Monday, April 26, 2010

blog T3-52

My hair so fly..
i just wanted to say that
and i don't mean fly as in cool
i mean fly as in it sticks up like it's flying

okay i got sick
so i'm going to bed now

Sunday, April 25, 2010

blog T3-53

i just learned that japan uses 23 billion wooden disposable chopsticks a year!!!!!!
and that there are 30000 love hotels in japan AND in 1 day 1850000 couples go there to do stuff...
an average of 90 people kill themselves everyday
100 bodies/per year are found on mount fuji, every 16 minutes someone suicides in japan!!!

i got scared (with shiver) when they say " Who created this strange country? You did."

Saturday, April 24, 2010

blog T3-51

Im a superman
I can take your hand
And fly you anywhere you wanna go, yeah
I can read your mind
Like a billboard sign
And tell you everything you wanna hear but
Ill be your hero
I- I- I can be everything you need
If youre the one for me- like gravity- Ill be unstoppable
I- I- if you ever believe in destiny
Or maybe an ordinary girl without a soul
But if youre the one for me, Ill be your hero
Ill be your hero
Ill be the hero
Searching high and low
Trying every row
If I see your face, Ill barely know, yeah
But I'll put my trust in fate, that you will come my way
And if its right, its undeniable
Ill be your hero
I- I- I can be everything you need
If youre the one for me- like gravity- Ill be unstoppable
I- I- if you ever believe in destiny
Or maybe an ordinary girl without a soul
But if youre the one for me, Ill be your hero
Ill be your hero
Ill be the hero
So incredible, some kind of miracle
When its meant to be, Ill become a hero
So Ill wait, wait, wait-wait for you
Ill be your hero
I- I can be everything you need
If youre the one for me- like gravity- Ill be unstoppable (be unstoppable)
I- I- if you ever believe in destiny
Or maybe an ordinary girl without a soul
But if youre the one for me, Ill be your hero
Ill be your hero
Ill be your hero

~Sterling Knight

aww such a nice catchy song!

Friday, April 23, 2010

blog T3-50

I'm feeling pooie lately!! very pooie!!!!

I've been doing horriblely in my tests T_T
i noe right. and it's not like i didn't study. sad :(

Thursday, April 22, 2010

blog T3-47

I went to bed so early yesterday!!!! like 10 :30 I know right?
but i'm still so tired. i think it's because my body isn't used to sleeping so early anymore and was in sleep mode the whole day.. so sad!!!
i think i'm going to need to sleep early today too.. i'm thinking 9 but it's 9 already ... 9: 30?
10? 10:30? i still need to go play piano..

funny quote for t.v. series
"At least let him finish his congee before you yell at him!!"

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

blog T3-49

I got a 91 on my chinese forgot to mention it

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

SB blog T3-48

been sleeping so EARLY!!!
I've been watching another t.v. (disney) channel show AGAIN!! i noe... tsk tsk

i'm so -.- these days..
sometimes i'm :)
and sometimes i'm :'(

but i'm mostly -.- (SLEEPY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

i need to spam on my blog. i haven't written a long blog for a LONG LONG time. this is horrible. and i miss typing random stuff out. like i don't noe
"purple ducks walk on my desk."
^that was not my usual random stuff. that was - i've lost my touch with my (live4sleep's) randomness!!!- WAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH i'm hungry... i think my wisedom teeth are growing in.. they hurt. but it might be because i ate too much junk food)

i forgot what day sun run was... DANG...
i went onto the sun run thingy to search up sun run and typed sim rim WOW live4sleep WOW...
i found it it was on may 9... be prepared to hear me complain about my aching feet!

okay i decide to make this a SB blog because i just found some cool photos on the sun run web thingy..

burgarlar fashion
~photo by: Franko Lee
how do u sit in this?
~Photo By: Li Xin
lol baby sleepovers!!
~Photo By: Franko Lee
what if u fall flat on ur face? right in the eyes!! OUCH
~Photo by: Kim Kyung-Hoon

photo by: David Mdzinarishvili

this puts balloon clowns to shame!
photo by: Toru Yamanaka

i got scared looking at this
photo by: Franko Lee

lol it's a worm!!! all scrunched up it's so squishy!
photo by: Toru Yamanaka
this is perfect for masked balls!
photo by: Ronald Schemidt
for ppl with broad shoulders.. really takes ur eyes of them.
photo by: Ronald Schemidt

okay enuf.. but i'm sure all the designer's really poured all their hearts or w/e into their dresses and pants and what nots. so i'm sorry if i offended anyone!


Monday, April 19, 2010

Blog-Over T3-46

I'm Rene

Okay.. went to school
Played Tennis
Played video games
talk to people on msn.
and stuff...

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Blog-Over T3-45

Today I'm Rene.

I went to school today...
Played video games...
Went on msn.
And according to my PM I hate a person called XileRO

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Blog-Over T3-44

I finally know what I did today!!! (thank you, self)

I rehearsed a play with.... allen (didn't even know he was in my group)
and had curry for lunch!!! YUM

Friday, April 16, 2010

Blog-Over T3-43

Today I'm Rene AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! be scared

um... awkward... I feel like I did nothing, because when I talk to myself on msn, no one answers WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO

I think I'm just gaming, talking to people on msn, eat and sleep (probably less then the previous)

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Blog-Over T3-42

Today I'm still Kaede (Rene)

I have no idea what i did...
i think i played a lot of video games tho...
I tried contacting myself no one answered typical.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Blog-Over T3-41

Today I am Kaede芙蓉楓 (Rene) fufufufufufufu=3

I went to SAT for 4:30 hours!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! O_O ouch my brain.
I sent some emails to my chinese friends (?) no clue what i said.
and what else did i do...
right i played video games!!!!

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

blog T3-40

I'm done all my homework!! SO PROUD! i can finally go to bed early today! be extra proud.
and i played piano!

Monday, April 12, 2010

blog T3-39

listening to songs on youtube... and reading their comments!!

sometimes the people say they can relate to the song because it's happened to them! i guess? i don't think i'll know until i've tried.

it's kind of fun looking at other people's life stories

Sunday, April 11, 2010

blog T3-38

I really need to get a portable listening device. my ears feel so quiet when i don't listen to music. is that even possible ears feeling quiet.... i don't want noise i want music.

i'm starting to sneeze a lot lately meaning that my allergies are coming soon!! FAIL!!! i hate allergy.. i feel all gross and i can't breathe properly. agh

So look in to his eyes are you a princess or a fly?
~ superschick

Saturday, April 10, 2010

SB blog T3-37

*right when my computer youtube freezes *a person goes online 52 *allowing me to see him go online *it's FATE

isn't that so sweet? i'm dedicating the following ^ to my friend TakoUsagi -//.\\-
haha i hope u enjoyed it like i did. o^W^o

in friendly ways (that eyebrow emoji i 52 insert here)

photoshoped by me!!! JUST STARE!!!!!!!!O_O

a phrase for your wifey. XP tell him that the next them he thinks you're having fun without him.

Friday, April 9, 2010

blog T3-36

so tired.... chinese exam was actually not that bad, not because i study and i didn't cheat. but our teacher went over what would be on our test (part of it) but she left out one word and because i didn't get to memorize. so i noe i'll be getting 99 and under T_T oh well better than i expected!

Thursday, April 8, 2010

blog T3-35

wow... um my dad just bought a new computer!!!! well she's going to tomorrow. FINALLY, my bro and i don't have to fight over my computer. I still like mine better, because i'm that awesome. XP. and My brother likes new things better, then old things (there's a chinese proverb for that, but i don't noe how to translate it)

anyways... chinese test....... screwed!

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

blog T3-34

i have a major chinese test coming up

and recently in English we've been doing Shakespeare: A Midsummer Night's Dream

I really like the line where Helena says,
Love looks not with the yes, but with the mind
really nice! and i'll be off now, for i must sleep!

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

blog T3-33

I finally figured it out! it works now!!! I'm talking about my static noise thing!!!! ALl you have to do is not insert ur headphones into speakers, but insert it in to the headphone place, or if u don't have one insert it through the spot that the speakers was supposed to be plugged into!

continuing, um... my anti-virus thingy expired so i got a new one! yay...
^ i think that's why my computer is really slow today!! it's really sad T_T

anyways i really like these lyrics from She (For Liz)~ Parachute
How can the only thing that's killing me, make me feel so alive
this is also a really good part
All of my chances swim like sinking ships.

^ really good lyrics

and also
Hello Brooklyn~ All time low
Hello Brooklyn! Hey LA. Take the streets all night 'Cuz we sleep all day When the world comes crashing down Who's ready to party?
and also
Everybody knows there's a party at the end of the world!

Monday, April 5, 2010

blog T3-32

well i've been using my ear phones all day long XP. expectable from me. the bad thing is that
my speaker has this staticy noise... making it really annoying and unenjoyable when i don't list to music and just wanna keep my ears warm.

when i use my headphones on my NDS, it's like so quote when there's not sound!!! tsk tsk speaks tsk tsk!!! u're the only one making static noise. i tired searching up ways to make it unstatic-ie, no luck!!! T_T

I really like this song, really inspiring:

and remember to SMILE, SMILE SMILE (from deep down in your heart, not some cheesy smile, i'll know)

Sunday, April 4, 2010

SB blog T3-31

Today I witnessed robbery! I was shopping with my family for new earphones, and while we were walking down an isle with iPods, iTouch and the such this guy who covered his face was holding a blue recycling bag. I was thinking, before he commited the crime, he looks like a robber and do guys like him really carry a recycling bag? and then he takes out a hammer O_O... I don't know, but I was thinking oh he's going to steal something. And then he hammers the glass case. And i'm like, I KNEW IT! and then he decides to spray this orange stuff around and I later find out it's pepper spray. and my brother was like a meter away from him!!!

it was like one of those once in a life time thingies. maybe it'll happen more than once, but u never know.

so anyways i wanted go buy my earphone, after the robbery, but that orange stuff which was pepper spray, was diffusing into the air, with the air con on and everything so we left and went to another store, of the same name.

and i got blue earphones! the kind that look like earmuffs! they keep my ears nice and warm!

Saturday, April 3, 2010

blog T3-30

LMH says:
GellyBeannie says:
imnotnarcissistic says:

^ another wonderful moment with my MY friends i'm going to miss them next year..... T_T

i'm going to miss those 11:11 o'clock wishes

and that's why i love you all, as classmates!!! and wonderful friends!

Friday, April 2, 2010

blog T3-29

Jelly Fish invasion!!! whooooooooooooo... I just saw that on an ad. SCARY!

i didn't noe that jelly fishes didn't have brains. that's really cool. I wonder what controls them, what makes them (some) sting, how do they (some) noe when to sting.

I've always wonder (and I actually mean more than since now, if that makes sense).

I know that brain controls us. BUT what controls our brain? hmm? this is something i will never noe, unless i watch a documentary, or read about it OR someone decides to tell me.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

blog T3-28

a hilarious quote: "I think I tanned my eyeballs."

^ HAHAHA is it possible to tan ur eyeballs? I'm not sure. It would be a cool experiment but I don't think it's reversible.

I don't think the white part of our eye can't turn brown! T_T... wait it's not T_T, but still.