Wednesday, September 30, 2009

blog T1-22

WOW, too much work to talk.

um life's good i guess, reading tons of manga, the "space" works at my house. LOL. not much to talk about AU REVOIR!!!!

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

blog T1-21

HELLO,people i'm on the school computer and the space bar is having diffculty!!!! i hate it alot!!!!!

(= (from my friend rCHL)

anyways i'm suppose to be writing an alternate ending to a movie we just watched,REALLYGOOD, it'scalled CONTACT, did i tellyou beware of my "spaces"

fj aoejiofijaskldfjlasjf lkasjfkl aj l

yea....:P(from my friend beN)

Monday, September 28, 2009

blog T1-20

so busy today, i just got home like at 9 or 10.

had art class, then dinner, now homework, good thing i finished my map in the car or i would have HUGE bags under my eyes!!!!!!

time for piano, my mom's getting super mad.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

blog T1-19

i'm just going to post pics for today for the fun of it!!!! LOL. too lazy to type

Saturday, September 26, 2009

blog T1-18

Bonjour, mes amis!!!!! LOL, i've been speaking alot of french lately, well basically i've just been saying bonjour (hello) and aurevoir (bye). LOL, and and merci (thx).

Anyways, i don't have a lot to say but i have alot to do tata!!!

RaNdOm Q oF tHe DaY: wIlL, wOrK eVeR bE fInIsHeD?

my page is getting a bit plain enjoy this gif.

Friday, September 25, 2009

blog T1-17

WOW, so busy today, the first thing i did today, well the first major thing i did was visit my grandpa at the hospital. anyways i yeah life is cool, but .................................................................................................................................................................
............................................................................................ i have nothing much to say!!!!!

i've been playing this new game called maple story it's kinda fun!!!! LOL

oh yea and i had sushi, french class. um AWKWARD............ i have nothing to say...... this is werid i'm blanking out and i'm itching to play that game but i'm restraining my bad procrastinating self!!!! so T_T i feel my brain getting itchy!!!! LOL, wonder how that works, AWKWARD AWKWARD!!!! LOL, u can see today is my AWKWARD word day!!!!

I really don't want to go to chinese today!!!! UGH UGH UGH UGH UGH UGH UGH UGH UGH UGH UGH UGH UGH UGH UGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

oh and i'm LOLing alot today!!!

Thursday, September 24, 2009


i've been poking/clicking around blogger again, but recently everytime i do that on blogger, my internet is just like oh there's something and "debugs" for me I seriously hate it because it closes my window when i'm trying to do something or trying to SAVE something!!!!! GRRRRRRRRs. For example i decide to post a pic on my blog and then something happens a window pops up and BAM my internet window is closed!!!!!! GRRRRRRRs.

i think i need to go get my computer fixed!!!!!! > : ( (my angry face)

right now i'm too lazy to go to shower but i will eventually, so how's life? LOL i don't even know who's going to be reading this!!!! i'm a crazy lady!!!

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

blog T1-15

my computer i THOUGHT was screwing up then i found out i was wrong!!!! LOL, my bad, i'm sorry computer. what does it feel like to be older? i'm not too sure, it's kinda weird, but i feel the same, oh EXCEPT now if i return my books late i need to pay, the library Q_Q.

I better get going i have cadets today!!! Q_Q Q_Q Q_Q

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

blog T1-14

I ate a WHOLE pomegranates today!!!!!!!!! it was okay. but i think i stained my shirt!!!!! Q_Q. when i was ripping the pomegranates they looked like rubies hanging on a cave, so pretty, BUT then.......... i ate them!!!! too bad!!!

oh school today was okay, nothing new.

GUESS WHAT?!?!?!? tomorrow (drum roll) is my B-day!!!!!!!!!!!!! i'm so HAPPY!!!!!! HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOL not really, i don't noe when it started but i haven't been excited for my birthday in a long time, and i don't even get presents on my birthday!!!! that's just sad T_T, well i do get money but i like presents (that i like)!!!!!!!

Monday, September 21, 2009

SB blog T1-13

OMG, i just realise that i don't know how to make paper shuriken, so SAD T_T. oh well i'll search it up the computer later!!!! too lazy to do it right now!!!! HEHEHEHEHE

OH OH OH OH OH OH OH, speaking of shuriken one of my friends are a NINJA , i will not name who because she has a secret identity!!!!!!!!! MUAHAHAHAHAHAH BEWARE THE NINJA!!!!!!!!!!!!! these are many of the moves she can do: see i told u to beware!!!!!

Oh and did i mention her FAVOURITE COLOR is GREEN? a pretty awesome ninja right!!!! VERY NINJALICIOUS !!!!!!!!!!!!(the one with the green head band is her, the rest are just ppl). besides the fact that she likes green, she is also VERY GREEN !!!! (all of the pics on my blog are not mine)

( you don't see me you don't see me, what person? u must be hallucinating)

she also has a very stylish (green) ipod (here she is posing):


Sunday, September 20, 2009

blog T1-12

I've had my special blogs planned already, i don't even noe why but i planned them!!!

anyways today when i was going to my lesson i saw a car accident good thing no one got hurt, but alot of car parts were flying everywhere. and there was a BAM, it was really sudden, i didn't see the car get hurt but when i heard the contact of the cars i caught the car parts flying.


UGHS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i'm feeling really lazy today but i did a lot of work yesterday!!!!! time for my rest!!!!

Saturday, September 19, 2009

blog T1-11

PPLS, hi!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! today my realtives came over to eat because it's almost my birthday so technically we're just celebrating my B-day!!!!! i'm pretty happy that my family realtives came over to my house, so i'm going to let u see one of my fav pics in "My picture" on my computer!!!! See isn't this an awesome picture!!!!! <3 <3

i seriously need to find more pictures, to add to "My picture" but something happened to my computer and it keeps on popping this window and making blogging OH SO DIFFCULT!!!!!!!! GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRSSSSSS i hate u virus, or what ever is hurting my computer!

Friday, September 18, 2009

blog T1-10

i'm so tired from the field trip, during the end of the play it was funnier than the beginning because it is!!!! During the end of play one of the characters "chose" a audience to be her "husband" that was hilarious!!!!!

i'm doing my chinese right now i'm such a baddy!!!!! LOL

anyways i'll probably get some pics in my blog tomorrow!!!! it makes it so much more interesting!!!!

Thursday, September 17, 2009

SB blog T1-9

I'm not really sure what to do for my AWESOME SUPER BLOG today i'll probably find some AWESOME pic to put in it....... This is for my friend who got recommended to read a manga because she read this guys blog who, i recommended to read this manga (drum rolls please)

AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHh it's a ADORABLE BUNNY (=3)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

LOL, best of lucks in finishing reading the manga!!!!

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

blog T1-8

Yup i'm really being a bum today. i'm not doing my homework right now AND i have cadets today!!!!! UGHS!!!!!!!

I'll probably have a lot of homework when i come home, tsk tsk ME tsk tsk!!!

BACK from cadets!!!

i was right now i have a lot of hw today i better get started!!!

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

blog T1-7

you know how people say TRY HARDER? what is HARDER? i myself am not too sure!!!! how about, what is try you best? what is your best? i wonder, i myself don't know my limits or my bests or my hardest so let's just say i'll do what i can to achieve the best mark possible! that's my goal of the year.

anyways i'm doing my quantam notes right now!!! SO INTENSE!!!! i really like learning about the string theory it's more educational then expected!!!

i'm bored but i'm not bored....weird concept....

RANDOM Q of the day: let's see ................ life is?

Monday, September 14, 2009

blog T1-6

today was my dad's birthday, happy birthday dad. LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!

i have so much homework!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! so sad!!! i don't feel like doing homework at all!!!!!!!! T_T

oh yea and you yesterday i was talking about the math test w8 did i? anyways i got a asian fail!!!!!!!! T_TT_T_TT_T_T_TT_T_TT_T_T_TT_T_T_T

Sunday, September 13, 2009

blog T1-5

OMG, my mom was really mad at me yesterday, she's spazzing alot lately.

anyways enough of the bad stuff lets talk about something i did today, first i went to my grandpa's house a then i started to pick all the fruits off the trees. I was really freaking out because there were a lot of bugs and i'm scared of bugs, as expected. anyways i saw at least 3 worms today.

i think i'm going to get sick just seeing the word worm. i'm going now bye....... i only get 15 mins to blog from now on!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! T_T

Saturday, September 12, 2009

SB blog T1-4

I just had chinese school today last year there were 2 grade 8 chinese classes this year there's only 1 grad 9 class so basically the grade 8 class got combined together. YAY, because i know someone from that class!! she really like mario mushroom's from mario so this is for U it's adorable right?
anyways i have to go talk more tmrw!!!!

OMG, too little pics for my awesome chinese buddy!!!!!!!!!

i dont' noe i was a gif. until blogger screwed it up.

yea, that's just random!!!! hehehe

ask me if you forgot what ur chinese hw is

yup this goes for Chinese homework

you totally do that!!!!!! not me i'm a decrease shroom lvls.see this is me ^(refer to the top)

Friday, September 11, 2009

blog T1-3

I'm pretty tired today, just started one of my lessons (FRENCH CLASS), oh and i have chinese tomorrow too!!!! ALL my friends in my chinese class quit so i'm the only on there now!!! SO SAD!!!! I don't want to be all alone!!!!

Thursday, September 10, 2009

blog T1-2

AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!! I still have jet lag so i'm not going to talk too much.....!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

blog T1-1

AHAHAHHAHAHAHAHA, school is really hurting my brain right now, oh and also i wanted to go to art but then NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO i couldn't because my art class crashes with my english class. T_T alot so now i have metalworks, but i don't even know what to do and there's only 2 girls in my class including me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

summer blog 28

me and my bro being crazy.
a bridge in macau
aug.15- sept. 8

summer blog 27


Wednesday, September 2, 2009

summer blog 26

I'm almost going home!!!!!!! on sept.8th !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! DUN DUN DUN!!!!