Friday, July 31, 2009

summer blog 21

HAHA I just ate a tomatoe!!!! not just those small mini kinds (cherry), BUT the normal big kinds!!!! YUM!!! It was super juicy, but not too mushy!!! It had lots of seeds and lots of juice!!!! YUM!!!!!! I want to eat another but too bad!! T_T

OH OH OH, by the way you know the manga i was reading? Liar Game? Well i've been reading it's update. anyways it's genius like I was saying so many times before!!! Also there's the fact that it's GENIUS!!! anyways anyways! Um, wait I'm thinking...............................................................................................................................................................
..................................................... (this was how long it took me to actually think of something to write) OH I know noe Summer school finally ended!!!! It's was actually really fun. Although the sweating was gross, I smelled BLAH after each class!!! so T_T!!!! oh and the people there were really nice!! oh and I also saw my grade 7 teacher teaching web class at the summer school I was going to!!! COOL!!! Oh he's a super duper nice guy! anyways T_T about the summer school but also YAY, not more waking up early in the SUMMER!!!!!!!!! MUAHAHAHAHAHA. Oh yea and in Liar Game I was reading a REALLY good INTENSE part but then DUN DUN DUN!!!! it stop like the " TO BE CONTINUE" things at the end of REALLY good and INTENSE movie/drama/episodes/WHATEVER!!!!! I hate those, ALOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

anyways probably won't be posting in a while CATCHA LATER!!!!!!

Saturday, July 25, 2009

summer blog 20

Finished reading many books during the summer, I'm also very proud of myself. YAY, me!!!!!!

Friday, July 24, 2009

summer blog 19

WOW, it doesn't seem like I've been on this blog for a long time. But I have a friend who's probably blogging every day, then i have others friends who haven't even blogged AT ALL over the summer!! so i don't feel that bad!!!! but seriously i should keep up on my blogging status!!!!

WEll considering it's summer a lot of painful things have happened!!!! during my summer school class (basketball) I twisted my finger and then i twisted my ankle!!! one of the most painful summers EVER!!! besides the summer that i got like 5 mosquitoes bites, that was itchingly painful!!

Friday, July 17, 2009

summer blog 18

I know I know I haven't been on in a long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long time!!!!!!!!!!!! blame it on the intense heat. I mean it's one thing to sit on the couch and bake in the heat and it's another when the heat is breathing on your legs!!!!!! Like many other computers mine's has a fan at the back so it doesn't overheat and explode and it's place where my legs are so WARM!!!! BUT I have to admit the sun is very nice, minus the intense heat and it's even better!!!

I've got to go now it's intense drama time!!!!! hope to blog tomorrow at NIGHT when it's cooler than at day time!!! MY genius plans!!

Friday, July 10, 2009

summer blog 17

sweaty= ME!!!!!! @_@ Not just because it's summer and there's no summer breeze either!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

i'm sweating because of summer school and it's not because I'm doing super hard and intense school stuff, but I am doing super hard and intense BASKETBALL STUFF!!!! main reason I'm playing basketball over the summer is because I want to grow taller!!! WHICH is a very sweaty job!!! hehehehe. Anyways, compared to the other people who are in my class, and they are pros, I'm really bad!!!! T_T

Thursday, July 9, 2009

summer blog 16

long time no see peoples!!!!! SUMMER SCHOOL!!!!!

Monday, July 6, 2009

summer blog 15


Sunday, July 5, 2009

summer blog 14

WOW, long time no see again, I've been trying to find a site to practice my typing skillz on but i haven't found any. Also I've been trying to finish to watch many of the unfinished drama that have been coming up!!!!! T_T It's pretty hard considering the fact that I can't fly through the parts that get boring.

Oh yea and my scrapebook is not looking any scrapier (sp is probably wrong) but I can't find a book to put all the interesting garbage of my life in hehehehehehe.

I got to go, but it's time to watch my drama with my parents!